Let it be known: The man can sing the part, and not in the sense that many baritones do, when they make up for rough vocal patches in the technically challenging champagne aria and “Deh, vieni ...
But his hugely popular, almost as frequently performed “Don Giovanni” is a different breed altogether. It’s a tragedy in the classic Greek tradition, where the protagonist’s fatal flaw ...
Mozart's "Don Giovanni" celebrates its premiere on March 9 at the Theater am Kornmarktplatz in Bregenz (Vorarlberg). The production is directed by Andreas Rosar and conducted by Daniel Linton-France.
Livermore Valley Opera (LVOpera) will present Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” at the Bankhead Theater in Livermore over the first two ...
The Livermore Valley Opera brought the first of four performances of Mozart’s tragicomedy, “Don Giovanni,” to the Bankhead ...