A resolution considered – and later rejected – by North Dakota lawmakers would have urged the high court to overturn its same ...
The North Dakota Senate on Thursday rejected a measure that would have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn its landmark ...
The resolution, which passed the North Dakota House, was part of a broader push by some conservatives to end the national ...
North Dakota lawmakers are on the verge of making their state the first to tell the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn its decade ...
On Thursday, the North Dakota State Senate rejected a resolution urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn its landmark ...
Sen. Josh Boschee (D-Fargo) asks for recorded roll call vote during vote on same-sex marriage resolution.BISMARCK, N.D. (KVRR ...
Exterior of the Morton County Courthouse in Mandan on Feb. 27, 2025. (Michael Achterling/North Dakota Monitor)MANDAN, N.D.
The North Dakota Senate killed a resolution on Thursday that would have called on the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a 2015 decision that federally legalized marriage for same-sex couples.
The North Dakota Senate on Thursday rejected a resolution that would have asked the Supreme Court to revisit its landmark ...
People listen to opposition testimony on a resolution that would urge the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn its 2015 decision that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, Wednesday, March 12 ...