Ryan Driscoll, Nashville Stoics Organizer joins us to explain Stoicism and how this ancient philosophy is relevant today.
As investors try to figure out how best to handle the whirlwind that is Trump 2.0, they should consider embracing two key ...
In the mid-’90s, not long after I graduated from college, a friend insisted I read “The Manual,” by the Roman Stoic ...
The two-time first lady is winning thousands of female fans in the authoritarian country —  where women must strike a balance ...
The ancient Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus was born into slavery but his study of Stoicism made him a free man who became very influential.
My adopted grandmother, Marge, is 94, still stokes her own wood fire, seems to live primarily on ice cream and beer, and ...
At the beginning of 2020, Alexander MacLellan — a psychology researcher at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom — ...
Ancient Greek philosopher Chrysippus (279–206 BC) is believed to have died of laughter in a bizarre incident recorded by his ...
Matthew Kramer tells Vienna Kwan how his dedication to academia, lifestyle, and personal views all come together ...
Rocco Mango, CEO of home improvement company Leaf Home, knows what it takes to lead a business to major revenue.