As climate change accelerates, plants face mounting pressure to adapt to shifting ecosystems and environmental conditions.
Plants adapt in many ways so that they survive in different habitats. These adaptations exist because they give a survival advantage. Adaptations include the ability to survive in dry conditions ...
Plants are under immense pressure to adapt to climate change, crucial for crop resilience. A study reveals genetic insights ...
Plants hold the key to removing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Can we make them more efficient carbon storers and feed the planet in the process? While filming the two most recent special episodes of ...
Alpine plants, fragile and adapted to live in a limited ecosystem, may be the canary in the coal mine of climate change.
Scientists have discovered how plants adapt their root systems in drought conditions to grow steeper into the soil to access deeper water reserves. Plant scientists from the University of Nottingham, ...
An international research team has described a newly discovered algae species Streptofilum arcticum and its cell functions ...
Two-thirds of animal and plant populations are declining in genetic diversity, which makes it harder to adapt to ...
For people, the freeze and snow have brought most things to a standstill. But wildlife natives like cypress trees and prairie plants, and cold-blooded gators and snakes, should be alright.