When one king, Ahab, did show magnanimity to a defeated enemy ... I would say that the traditional position which is based on Assyrian royal annals and Assyrian palace reliefs was not totally wrong ...
Archaeologists Stunned to Find Evidence of a Town Supporting a Biblical Tale of Angels Killing 185,000 Soldiers Biblical ...
The great stone figures that today grace the Assyrian Gallery of the Bowdoin College Museum of Art were carved more than 2500 years ago for the palaces and temples of Ashurnasirpal II (883-859 B.C.), ...
Right: Detail from a sculpted relief depicting Assyrian king AÅ¡Å¡urbanipal (r. 668--631 BC) hunting lions, originally located at his palace in Nineveh. If you're a fan of ancient history, I heartily ...
More intriguingly still, a depiction of that Assyrian king found on a bas relief in Nineveh ... set out to create a reconstruction of its royal palace. Like his predecessors, he left behind ...
When a vast library of texts amassed by Mesopotamian King Ashurbanipal was burned to the ground about 2700 years ago, the ...
At the end of the 8th century BC the Assyrian King Sennacherib chose Nineveh as his capital and built what he called the 'Palace without Rival', decorating it with finely carved reliefs.