And the piano pieces? “A Hermit Thrush at Eve” and ... whose dates are almost exactly the same as Bach’s — 1684 to 1748. (Bach’s are 1685 to 1750.) Walther was, in fact, Bach ...
Johann Sebastian Bach's Brandenburg Concertos are some of the most important Baroque compositions written. They are actually a collection of ideas that Bach composed over a ten year period while ...
Still only 20, he has already earned the universal admiration of the international piano ... into the Bach without pause. In Lim’s thoughtful and deft rendition, Lee’s piece was languidly ...
David Robertson, conducting the world premiere of John Adams’ piano concerto “After ... to see just how deep the roots of Bach go, and so this piece is one of the offshoots.” ...
Johann Sebastian Bach's Brandenburg Concertos are some of the most important Baroque compositions written. They are actually a collection of ideas that Bach composed over a ten year period while ...
Johann Sebastian Bach's Brandenburg Concertos are some of the most important Baroque compositions written. They are actually a collection of ideas that Bach composed over a ten year period while ...