The hatchling of bald eagles Jackie and Shadow died during a recent storm, the operators of the livestream tracking the birds ...
We are sad to let everyone know that one of Jackie and Shadow’s chicks did not make it through the severe winter storm.' ...
The case of the missing bald eagle chick in Big Bear, which has spurred investigations across the internet and endless ...
Bald eagles Jackie and Shadow could be parents to triplets as soon as their third egg starts to hatch in their snowy Southern ...
As Jackie keeps her two eaglets warm, Friends of Big Bear Valley said Thursday morning that there is not a confirmed pip yet in the third egg. "We continue to wait and watch." ...
Big Bear's beloved bald eagle couple, Jackie and Shadow, have welcomed three eaglets into the world. Sadly, Friends of Big Bear Valley confirmed that one of the eaglets has died.
Thousands who have been watching the eagles' nest on a webcam got to see a hatchling emerge, with glimpses of tiny feathers ...