Some of the biggest whitetail bucks ever to walk this ... But his son returned a month later to retrieve them. The right antler from this set scores 98-4/8, and is currently the NASHC’s number ...
“Good elk antlers are big, and you can spot them from a distance ... “It was a truly remarkable animal that we called Moose,” he says. Unfortunately, Moose died due to another bowhunter’s mistake, and ...
Wildlife enthusiast Derek Keith Burgoyne filmed a bull moose dropping both antlers simultaneously while on a visit to Plaster Rock in New Brunswick, Canada Kelli Bender is the Pets Editor at PEOPLE.
Males have large sets of antlers, as well as a long floppy “dewlap” or “bell” that hangs below their throat, and are more than 40 percent larger than females. The midwestern moose is the ...