Maya Angelou, an influential visual poet, and civil rights activist, remains a cornerstone in Black history. Her work inspires courage, resilience, and to be proud of your culture. This legacy ...
Early last year, I was shocked to see a lawn jockey, standing sentinel to greet me, at the top of the dirt drive of the horse barn where my 12-year-old works mucking stalls on Saturdays in ...
Black History Month is officially here, and although we should take the time to celebrate Black history all the time—not just the shortest month of the year—there's something to be said about ...
First Person columns are personal stories and experiences from kids written in their own words. For more information and to learn how to submit your own piece, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Every little Black girl deserves to know how amazing she truly is. In every beautiful brown hue, the magic each little girls possess is beyond measure when they are encouraged, loved, and heralded as ...
Mississippi is steeped in Black history and culture, from Civil Rights sites that spurred national change to the delta -the ...