Careful interpretation is needed. These slides discuss some of the issues involved. For instance, both Matthew and Luke date Jesus’ birth toward the end of the reign of King Herod the Great, who we ...
Most people are familiar with the story of Jesus Christ’s birth. Come Christmastime, Nativity scenes in towns and churches routinely display symbols from the Biblical story like mangers ...
In Matthew’s narrative, Jesus’ birth is detected by foreign priests, the magi; in Luke it is lowly Jewish shepherds who first learn the news. In Matthew’s narrative, King Herod in Jerusalem hunts ...
There's never a dull moment in the Howell household with 8-year-old Maisley's hilarious renditions of the Bible. Maisley attends a private school in Tennessee where they have daily Bible lessons.
These and many other questions will be the subject of homilies across many Christian traditions that celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, the Counsellor, the Lord, the King of Kings.
Decades of Roman rule were causing ever more resentment. Jesus was born to a family from a village called Nazareth, near the Sea of Galilee. As he was growing up, Judaea was collapsing into chaos.
Celebrity hairstylist and Houstonian Jesus Guerrero — whose clients have included Kylie Jenner, Katy Perry and Jennifer Lopez — has died at 34. Guerrero’s family shared news of his “suddenly and ...
There's never a dull moment in the Howell household with 8-year-old Maisley's hilarious renditions of the Bible. Maisley attends a private school in Tennessee where they have daily Bible lessons.
NARRATOR: Today we are going to learn about the birth of Jesus! Cut to the interior of the stable as Mary nurses baby Jesus in her arms and Joseph stands over her. OISIN: Oh look at that cute ...