The Movie recently aired on Nickelodeon and Paramount+ and featured a special cameo from Captain Man, leaving fans in ...
The Movie was released on January 17, 2025, on Paramount+ and Nickelodeon. The Joe Menendez-directed film is taken from the namesake series that aired between 2004 to 2020.
Kid Danger and his sidekick-in-training Captain Man embark on new adventures as they battle bizarre criminals and super villains.
After the Nickelodeon TV series took on a fresh take with Henry Danger: The Movie topping streaming charts on Paramount+, fans would already be thinking about a film's sequel.
Jamie Foxx Says Leonardo DiCaprio Stopped Reading ‘Django Unchained’ Due to Script’s Racial Slurs. Then Samuel L Jackson Told Him: ‘Say That S— Motherf—er!’ ...