Companies spend millions developing logos to represent a brand. Some of them have hidden meanings steeped in the history and mission behind the product.
Our logo API allows you to quickly lookup company logos. It's as easy as typing in a company name or ticker. Using company logos is a great way to enhance the user experience of any quote page ...
Transparent background logos will be available in the near ... who often more readily recognize a logo than a ticker symbol or company name. Read documentation here. 90 x 60_white Url for the ...
Logos come in two basic forms: abstract symbols (like the apple in Apple Computer) or logotypes, a stylized rendition of your company's name. You can also use a combination of both. Trying to ...
Sure, the logo for Twitter cofounder Biz Stone's Q&A app Jelly looks like a jellyfish. But it's also a brain.
Please contact us for more information or to address specific questions. Any use of CU Boulder’s name, logos, symbols and all associated registered marks (together “marks”) must be in compliance with ...
Twitter may be dead, but the 12-foot tall bird logo from its San Francisco headquarters can be yours forever if you have ...
In order to create more differentiation from the Olympic symbol, a Paralympic logo with three Tae-Geuks was officially ... the IPC commissioned public relations company Scholz and Friends to modernise ...
Nike but what do the symbols on the back of each pair of denims mean ? Levi Strauss & Co. features at the top of the logo which is the corporate identity of the company. San Francisco, Cal ...