Hundreds line up outside gas station: People want a whiff of a rare, smelly 'corpse flower' Amorphophallus is from the Ancient Greek word amorphos, meaning "misshapen." Phallus translates to penis ...
Corpse flowers can live at least a decade or more in captivity, but they usually take five to 10 years to bloom, meaning a plant may only bloom a few times in its life. And when it does ...
An Amorphophallus titanium, also known as a corpse flower, blooms for one to three days once every seven to 10 years. During the bloom, it releases a powerful smell, described by some as rotting ...
BROOKLYN, N.Y. – A putrid-smelling species of flower commonly known as a "corpse flower" is causing quite a stink at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Affectionately named "Smelliot" by garden staff ...