Before you hit the hay, don't forget to say this beautiful and powerful prayer to strengthen your marital bonds. Most ...
“Ultimately, a blessing offers people a means to increase ... people and recognizes the deep desire in many Catholic same-sex couples for God’s presence in their loving relationships.” ...
Let's toast to all the happy couples with some words of kindness and a great Irish wedding blessing! Wise old words from Ireland abound, and Irish blessings and sayings for weddings are no exception.
Same-sex couples take part in a public blessing ceremony in front of the Cologne Cathedral in Cologne, Germany, on Sept. 20. In Germany, individual priests have been blessing same-sex couples for ...
At his Wednesday audience, when he’s in good health, Pope Francis hosts the “Sposi Novelli,” inviting newlyweds from around ...
A special blessing ceremony for engaged couples took place at the Shrine of Saint Valentine in Whitefriar Street Church, Dublin, followed by Mass. Bishop Denis Nulty presided, with engaged couples: ...
Nigerian relationship therapist Blessing spurred another discussion online with her latest on special media The single mother was seen in an eye-catching video dancing with her newfound love ...