Michigan shortened the coyote season in 2024 to avoid orphaning newborn pups, but a year later the issue is again rearing its ...
James and Edith Eubanks live in the Ardmore neighborhood of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. For several years, the Eubanks ...
PetsPlayGround, a company specializing in pet fences, offers insight into barriers designed specifically to keep coyotes and ...
The Town of Okotoks is warning of a recent coyote sighting. A protective coyote with pups was seen in Laudan Park on the west ...
A WXII 12 News viewer in Ardmore has spotted more coyotes in the backyard and one at Biscuitville in Winston-Salem.
Strong said a group of hunters was tracking coyotes with binoculars and dogs toward Imperial Road between Wilson Line and ...
Coyotes become more active as the weather warms up, and New Yorkers need to take some precautions to keep them away.
Late January through early March is coyote mating season. Coyotes are very active during the winter while courting mates and ...
Johnston may allow trapping coyotes after dogs were killed or went missing, believed to be by the wild animals.