A cute foster cat named Charlie has a unique bed that's become his favorite place to catch some daily zzzs, and it's his ...
Related: Bernese Mountain Dog’s Hilarious Stink-Eye During Mom’s Manicure Is Too Cute Pet parents could relate to this clean ...
The poster, Melissa Kiddie, told Newsweek that Millie, a 70-pound, 2-year-old Bernese mountain dog and golden retriever ... sure everyone wakes and sees how cute she is." Cuteness aside, one ...
The story of a baby and her dog's yearslong tradition has left viewers in tears, with a sweet twist to end their tale. Ivy the Bernese mountain dog lives in New England with her owners and their ...
A Corona veterinarian was stunned to find a Bernese Mountain Dog's stomach stuffed with dozens of foreign objects during an operation on Monday. The surgery, on 7-month-old Luna, was performed ...