All three stars in the Summer Triangle asterism are visible. Deneb is the brightest star in Cygnus the Swan (Northern Cross); Vega in Lyra the Lyre and Altair in Aquila the Eagle. To get a last ...
In July the moon runs through an entire lunar cycle, from the new moon on the 2nd to the new moon on the 31st. At the midpoint of every cycle we get a full moon, and July’s falls on the ...
Find Deneb in Cygnus, above Vega, and Altair in Aquila, to the left. That’s the Summer Triangle. Now, make a rough triangle between Altair and Vega by pointing down to the horizon. The third ...
The Martian north pole points to the Cygnus constellation, which does not have any extremely bright stars, making it somewhat hard to find. One could use the star Deneb, which is just 9 degrees ...
Find the other two that make up the famous asterism — Deneb in Cygnus, above Vega, and Altair in Aquila, to the left. Now, make a rough triangle between Altair and Vega by pointing down to the ...
August opens with the spectacle of a waning moon dropping past three planets over three mornings. First up is Jupiter, a beacon above the eastern horizon. Look an hour before sunrise on the 3rd to ...