‘The Art Life,’ a wonderful 2017 documentary on filmmaker David Lynch, plays like a slow, smoky afternoon in the artist’s Los Angeles studio. Here's why it's great, and what wisdom you'll ...
We had a beautiful lunch at his house,” she told the outlet of a meal she shared with Lynch and Blue Velvet and Inland Empire ...
In an interview with Digital Trends, Flying Lotus grapples with space exploration, explains his decision to act, and ...
Lynch attracted so much attention and interest in part because he stood out as an expressive, undoubtedly unusual figure in ...
A David Lynch Retrospective” opens Wednesday, April 23 with a 35 millimeter print of his first feature-length film, the ...
No one since the Beatles has done more to raise TM's pop-cultural profile than the director, who died in January and leaves ...
David Lynch has created some of the most unique films in cinema, where several of the director’s movie scenes truly leave an ...
Several of those friends were involved in making the doc, which ends with the dramatic story of the last few days of Coulson’s life, as Lynch and ... interview with David was just an hour ...