Concentrating food sources around inhabited areas can cause deer to get too comfortable around humans, encourage consumption of surrounding plants, and increase the likelihood of car accidents. (Just ...
Walk away. Never feed or collar a fawn. Feeding deer can concentrate animals in feeding areas which makes them more susceptible to predation, vehicle collisions, or other unwanted human interactions.
Feeding deer can also make them more aggressive toward ... This means that smaller and less aggressive deer, such as fawns, might be left with nothing, increasing their risk of starvation.
More than 150 deer were killed when they were hit by vehicles last year, prompting rangers in Staffordshire to issue a safety ...
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Fawn season is here ... Once you intervene and move a deer or start feeding it, you are lowering its chance to live. Instead of the animal learning to live in the wild ...
The young deer managed to become covered in spines from a cholla cactus. The painful spines were all over its body, the ...
An Arizona Game & Fish Department wildlife officer made a new friend after removing hundreds of cholla spines from the ...
Even more surprisingly, the 24-year-old doe that lived in captivity in Kerr Wildlife Management Area actually birthed a fawn in her final year. But of course, a fraction of a single percent of all ...
"With more people feeding deer from their hands and from their vehicles ... people are being urged to resist the urge to touch or move them, as a fawn's mother will often abandon her baby if ...