A farmed white-tail deer from Osceola County was found with CWD.. The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural ...
The Michigan DNR is asking state lawmakers to increase hunting and fishing licenses, while being "open" to changing its ...
Michigan shortened the coyote season in 2024 to avoid orphaning newborn pups, but a year later the issue is again rearing its ...
Michigan state agriculture officials report a case of chronic wasting disease found in a deer in Osceola County.
Michigan DNR officers recently confirmed a case of chronic wasting disease in northern Michigan deer. That’s as the ...
Washtenaw is now the 15th Michigan county where chronic wasting disease has been identified in the wild deer population.
A case of chronic wasting disease has been confirmed in a farmed white-tailed deer in mid-Michigan. The case involved a ...
For the first time in a century, cougar cubs have been seen and confirmed in Michigan. The big cats were hunted out of ...
Michigan Department of Natural Resources has confirmed a case of chronic wasting disease in a Salem Township deer.
It's been a problem for decades in the northeastern part of Michigan's Lower Peninsula: bovine tuberculosis, a potentially ...
In hopes of encouraging hunters to pursue more does, State Rep. Jennifer Wortz (R-Quincy) has offered a proposal that would ...