Some enemies are common to see during the start of a D&D campaign, but that doesn't mean you can't mix it up with a variety ...
Through the different editions of Dungeons & Dragons, 5e presents what is possibly the ... Straight out of a horror movie, no list of nightmare-fuel enemies in D&D would be complete without ...
DnD’s most recognizable monster just got an upgrade, and it can cause even more problems for players – here’s how to tackle ...
The Megadungeon Megabundle has enough Dungeons and Dragons and Dungeon Crawl Classics adventures to last a lifetime, and then ...
The main enemy, at least at the start of the game ... It’s trying to bring that old-school vibe to 5e.” “You have a grid on the back of your character sheet,” Byrne says, “and you ...
This week's 5E compatible RPGs include a book of fantasy cookery, a cursed village, a tome of cursed curiosities, and more.