Meanwhile, the dragon dance is performed by several people who hold the long sinuous body of the dragon on poles. It is played by a team of experi-enced dancers who manipulate a long flexible ...
Golden Dragon Parade will be held in Chinatown Saturday, marking Lunar New Year. The three-hour parade is set to begin at 1 p.m. at Ord and Hill streets, head north on Hill Street to Bernard Street, ...
With over a 100,000 spectators, the colorful celebration along North Broadway in Chinatown has become a significant cultural event in the Southern California Asian-American Community.
Scheduled to take place on three consecutive nights from Sept 28-30, the dance will feature more than 300 performers parading a majestic 67m-long dragon through the grid-like streets of the ...
Purdue AAARCC has begun Purdue's very first Lion and Dragon Dance Team! We wanted to make this team the Center's first Performance Collective, since we understand how prevalent and important the Lion ...
a member of the fire dragon dance committee. Cheung, who has been part of the ritual for two decades, said organisers have been practising their performance since March, soon after Hong Kong ...
"This performance allows us to share the united ... and root carving with elements of sport, acrobatics, and dance. The bench dragon brought to Beijing is particularly impressive in scale ...
What information do we collect from this quiz? CBBC's Chinese dragon dance fact file: everything you need to know! - What is the dragon dance for Chinese New Year? The dance began as a way of ...