Precipitation - Rain, hail, sleet or snow which is input to the drainage basin system. Evapotranspiration - A combination of water evaporated from land and water surfaces, including vegetation ...
A French drain system prevents structural damage ... and installing a catch basin and perforated pipe. The cost of installing ...
The 8000 Series Slot Drain, made of steel, is a one-piece design that eliminates the need for grates in fire stations.
Using a unique field site in the Negev, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev geologists have presented the first-ever time-dependent record of drainage divide migration rates. Prof. Liran Goren ...
On Monday, the New Orleans City Council officially consolidated the city's drainage system, making catch basins the responsibility of the Sewerage and Water Board New Orleans. Before, catch basins ...
This article is brought to you by the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans. At the start of 2025, the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) officially became responsible for the city ...
In the first study to consider the long-term evolution of the rivers that flow beneath glaciers, researchers have new ...
At a recent Amite River Basin Drainage & Water Conservation District meeting, members asked about the possibility of statewide application of a flood warning system, The Center Square writes.  At the ...