Precipitation - Rain, hail, sleet or snow which is input to the drainage basin system. Evapotranspiration - A combination of water evaporated from land and water surfaces, including vegetation ...
On Monday, the New Orleans City Council officially consolidated the city's drainage system, making catch basins the responsibility of the Sewerage and Water Board New Orleans. Before, catch basins ...
Don't assume the location of these knockouts will work for your system. Because the pipe will be slightly sloped down toward the basin, the longer the drain is, the lower the pipe will be when it ...
Using a unique field site in the Negev, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev geologists have presented the first-ever ...
At a recent Amite River Basin Drainage & Water Conservation District meeting, members asked about the possibility of statewide application of a flood warning system, The Center Square writes.  At the ...