This video shows a reading of ‘Love and Friendship’ by Emily Brontë. This is a poem comparing romantic love with the love between friends. The poem’s content, ideas, language and structure ...
Love: Brontë refers to romantic love in this poem and warns the reader that, though lovely, it is transient and will not last. ‘Yet wait till winter comes again/ And who will call the wild ...
Love is like the wild rose-briar, Friendship like the holly-tree — The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms But which will bloom most constantly? The wild rose-briar is sweet in spring, Its ...
Emily is best known for her novel Wuthering Heights, a dark love story set in the north of England. Most of her poetry was collected and published long after she died. However, a slim volume of ...
You can discover a lot about a poem by comparing it to one by another author that deals with a similar subject. You could compare features such as theme, form, structure, rhythm, language and ...
How would you interpret the poem? The wild rose-briar represents the beauty and excitement of romantic love. A rose is traditionally used as a symbol of love, and the poet adds ‘wild’ to ...