Chief Nicholas declared the German invention impracticable. "It is much too heavy to carry," he said, "it does not allow a fireman to bend over and in Winter the constant stream of water directly over ...
While you hope your perimeter fire-fighting sprinkler system will never have to go off, you will want to have it tested it yearly to make sure that it will if and when it needs to. "A couple of ...
New York is considering a fire sprinkler mandate for new homes, setting off a clash between homebuilders and fire safety advocates over affordability and protection.
The Nueces County Courthouse is required to add an automatic sprinkler system to the building in accordance with the 2021 International Fire Code.
A candle sparked a fire at an apartment in north Grand Forks but a sprinkler system helped keep damage to a minimum, according to the Grand Forks Fire Department. Crews were dispatched shortly before ...
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Technical Committee on Animal Housing—the body that oversees development and revisions of the Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities Code ...
As wildfires burn and severe weather threatens the Myrtle Beach, SC area, can homeowners protect their property with everyday yard equipment? We asked experts to find out.