A snake coiled up on a bed of grass, ready to strike, in front of a yellow background with the words in all capitals "DONT TREAD ON ME". Also known as the Gadsden flag, it was named after Colonel ...
Iowans could have the option to buy a custom yellow "Don't Tread on Me" license ... "I will say that to me the Gadsden flag license plate is a simplified embodiment of the State of Iowa's flag: Our ...
Scott Webster, R-Bettendorf, Senate Study Bill 1162 would allow Iowans to purchase license plates with elements of the ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ or Gadsden flag. The plates would be golden yellow ...
We have an abundance of ... a license plate featuring the Gadsden flag — the yellow flag emblazoned with a rattlesnake and the motto “Don’t tread on me.” (April 12, 2A, “Kansas OKs ...
Iowans could have the option to buy a custom yellow "Don't Tread ... to me the Gadsden flag license plate is a simplified embodiment of the State of Iowa's flag: Our liberties we prize and our ...