Parasites that burst forth from a vine. Others seem woven out of fantasy: translucent white ghosts, blooms born of fire.
Rafflesia (Rafflesia keithii), Borneo. This plant has no stem or leaves ... they pierce and crush any competitors The giant water lily (Victoria cruziana), Pantanal, Brazil.
While in Borneo, he learned about the Rafflesia plant, which is a native of the area. Dr. Trond Schumacher, University of Oslo, Norway, collaborates with Barkman to study this incredible plant. "We ...
From carnivorous flowers that feast on shrews to plants that resemble an alien creature, the plant kingdom is home to some of the strangest-looking species. These adorable “flowering stones ...
Sumatran rainforests have produced another plant known as the corpse flower, the giant padma, Rafflesia arnoldii. This parasitic plant has no leaves or stems. It spends most of its life as long ...