Holcombe Men were unable to put a dent in Old Georgians’ 100 per cent record at the top of the Premier Division table - and ...
Two hounds from the Holcombe Harriers will compete at international dog show Crufts. Anglezarke and Hulcot will be judged in ...
Harriers can trace their lineage back to 1086 and are direct descendants of the Blue Gascoignes, brought to England by the Normans. Holcombe Harriers have registered several hounds with the Kennel ...
At the top of the Mens Top 6 Old Georgians’ 100% record was maintained with a 3-1 defeat of their nearest rivals Holcombe.
“We are currently in the process of recruiting, so we warmly encourage anyone who is interested in joining our team to contact Emmanuel Holcombe.” The £7m scheme will test the delivery of the ...