In Jerusalem, Jesus healed a paralyzed man at a ritual ... simple limestone shelf that people have revered for millennia, a sight that hadn’t been seen for possibly a thousand years.
Trouble in Jerusalem In around 33 AD, Jesus traveled to the city of Jerusalem for the Jewish ceremony of Passover. There were thousands of pilgrims from around the world and the temple provided ...
However, as we see Jesus enter Jerusalem he is revealing his identity as Messiah. This is because he knows he has come to the end of his ministry. He makes a grand entrance into the city on a ...
A long-lost altar dating from the times of the crusades was discovered hidden in plain sight by ... Sepulchre in Jerusalem — one of the holiest sites in Christianity where Jesus is believed ...
Bartimaeus asked Jesus to restore his sight. Jesus heals him and says ... that he was in Jesus’ group of followers who went to Jerusalem and were with him before he died.
they then stood in a horror at this sight, and went out without touching anything. (406) But although they had this commiseration for such as were destroyed in that manner, yet had they not the ...
Jesus turning to them said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the ...