A Feb. 15 Facebook post (direct link, archive link) shows what appears to be a statue of Jesus being raised in front of the White House. “We are Sooooo Back,” reads the video’s caption.
The big story we’ve heard lately is about “Shrimp Jesus,” an AI-generated figure composed ... people think” something looks like (the Transfiguration, Moses talking to God) with how ...
In 2023, an AI-led service was held in a church in Germany. Last year, an avatar of “Jesus” on a computer screen in a Catholic chapel in Switzerland took questions from believers and offered ...
Kenneth Cukier, a journalist, author and expert with the U.S.-based nonprofit group called "AI and Faith," said if "AI Jesus" helps people connect deeper to themselves and the world, it "has to be ...
Here is the style of Transfiguration icon we have in our parish: Notice the symbolism here. The figure of Jesus is inside a circle, symbolizing wholeness, completeness, infinity. Within the circle ...
Six days later, Jesus leads his three closest disciples (Peter, James and John) up a high mountain where they are alone. This is one of the most dramatic events recorded in Matthew’s Gospel and ...