This is, of course, exactly why the JUNIE B. JONES books, which inspired this and other plays, are perfect for our time. It might surprise you to know that the book series is one of many banned ...
Watch out world, here comes Junie B. Jones! And she's definitely ready for the new school year. Outspoken, precocious, lovable Junie B. stars in a colorful, funny, fast-paced musical about new ...
Watch out world, here comes Junie B. Jones! And she's definitely ready for the new school year. Outspoken, precocious, lovable Junie B. stars in a colorful, funny, fast-paced musical about new ...
This scene from 'Junie B. Jones is Not a Crook,' the Shiner Gaslight Theatre spring play, shows cast members, from left, ...
Wowee wow wow! Junie B. Jones, America’s favorite elementary school student, comes to life onstage in this adaptation of three books in Barbara Park’s popular book series of the same name.
"Junie B. Jones the Musical" will be preformed at Bucyrus Secondary School Little Theater at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, ...