If you've been on the hunt for an exercise that targets your glutes while simultaneously improving your hip mobility, the clamshell exercise is the golden ticket you've been seeking. You've likely ...
The clamshell exercise is known to target key muscles such as the gluteus medius and minimus, along with the tensor fasciae latae and external hip rotators. Executed lying on the side, this move ...
"The Pilates clam (sometimes called clamshell) exercise is a side-lying exercise that targets and strengthens the hip abductor and glute medius muscles (or what I affectionately refer to as the ...
Our core is key for everyday movement, but when most of us train it we tend to just do exercises that isolate our ‘superficial’ ab muscles, like the rectus abdominis and external obliques.
The workout is called ‘The Lock Base Five’ and it’s made up of five easy exercises that will challenge your stability, strengthening your deep core muscles – like the transversus abdominis ...