A los hombres les encantan las palabras dulces; les encanta sentirse queridos. Hoy, descubramos 6 poemas de amor para ...
There’s a quiet determination in 1927’s “Little Things,” a short and sweet poem from the perspective of a mother cooing ...
While this short poem is far from being ... splendid battle-song to sing you, O Love, in my dishonor and defeat, Your measureless compassion will be sweet. Born in 1861, Sophie Jewett wrote ...
What jumps into your mind when you think of the most famous poems ever written? Shakespearean love poems ... With these relatively short poems, you’ll understand why poets are peerless when ...
In one of the most famous love poems of all time, Burns goes all out to express the wonder of love: It’s beautiful like a flower, it’s sweet like music, it’s deep as the sea. And Burns isn ...
The internet has more love poems that you could shake a diamante ... Sometimes, the best things in life come short, sweet and simple - as with this lovely little offering from Rainer Maria Rilke.