In One Piece, with hints about Devil Fruits overtaking their users, could Luffy's peak transformation turn him into a ...
Enel’s return in One Piece seems inevitable, and Oda must give Enel a massive power-up before his rematch with Gear 5 Luffy ...
The introduction of Gear 5 does not make Gear 4 obsolete ... Given that the New World is where the real challenge was, Oda ...
Zoan Devil Fruits, like the Nika Fruit, possess a will that could overpower the user. Luffy's indomitable willpower may ...
Expect Luffy to go Gear 5 to beat Gaban, while Nami may steal the key. Imu's devil fruit might not be a secret anymore. Oda gave a major hint about his powers in One Piece. With a legendary figure ...
Luffy Gear 5 is a very dangerous ability and something ... Luffy has a certain level to reach that has been highlighted by Oda already. As seen in the Egghead arc, when Joy Boy's Haki was ...
In the vast ocean of theories surrounding Eiichiro Oda's masterpiece ... as Kaido noted when recognizing Luffy as Joy Boy. Luffy’s Gear Fifth revealed his Devil Fruit’s true identity ...