ICE's use of force to arrest the 61-year-old Alfonso Garcia Vega was condemned as excessive by his family and immigrant ...
His extensive history of illegal entry into the U.S. includes removals dating back to 2002, with the latest being in 2011. Following his last two illegal reentries, Ruiz-Diaz was convicted on Aug. 27, ...
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has deported Jose Ramon Torres Cordova, a 47-year-old Mexican fugitive wanted in Hermosillo, ...
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement removed Ariel Nunez Figueroa, a 30-year-old Mexican national, to Mexico on March 6.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement removed Ariel Nunez Figueroa, a 30-year-old Mexican national, to Mexico March 6.