Military spouses say they rely on the federal government for jobs. When mass firings started, their families were dealt an ...
J is considering leaving the Air Force ... s dream of serving in the military. “It’s all they’ve ever wanted — to be like their dad, to carry on a family tradition of service to the ...
Some airmen on social media responded negatively to the review of "Family Days" and worried the extra day off they provide might be canceled.
This shift isn't just about you. It's impacting your family, too. Leaving the military changes your spouse's and your kids' identities, routines and finances. Planning for the full impact keeps ...
or leave her job of 18 years. No military family should have to make this choice,” said Vindman. To be sure, Trump's memorandum calling for the end of remote work for federal employees provides ...
When you decide to leave the military, you'll face a series of financial ... the military is premium-free healthcare for you and your family while you are on active duty. If you retire from ...
Personal leave is for any condition/situation that is outside of medical or military leave of absence (e.g., mission trip, disaster recovery, etc.), including leave for employee illness/injury and ...
Any regular (continuing or terminal) Western Michigan University employee who enters the United States military service will be granted an unpaid leave of absence and reinstatement privileges as ...