Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God. God told Moses that he had heard the suffering cries of the ...
This week’s Torah portion is a story of forgiveness and the opportunity to make things right. The opening sentence tells it ...
God created the universe and placed the deepest mysteries of its workings far beyond human comprehension. Thus, when ...
Biblical References: Others believe the practice is solely inspired by the biblical accounts of Moses (Exodus 3:5) who was ...
The ending of the Book of Exodus teaches that true freedom comes when we are neither the puppets of fellow humans or God but live a life where we improve ourselves, be all we can be, and help other ...
As you spend time reading his word, read with fresh eyes. You never know what you may have missed the first time. Grant ...
No doubt, hostages who were murdered in captivity also included Elders; but, like the original Elders, we don’t know the specifics. But we know this: Unlike ancient Biblical times, ours is a ...
When Paul mentioned Jannes and Jambres in 2 Timothy 3:8, his audience likely knew who these men were, but readers today often ...
Critics of our people point to the stiff-necked, weak-willed character of our forebears. At the time, perhaps it was an ...