India’s mutual fund industry’s assets under management stood at ₹64.53 trillion according to data provided by AMFI. That is ...
Merely holding multiple mutual fund schemes does not guarantee effective diversification. On the contrary, you end up ...
Hybrid mutual funds have become an important option in the world of investment, especially for those investors who want ...
By investing in a wide range of companies, mutual fund investors can reduce their risk since they don’t have all their eggs in one basket. It also allows smaller investors to invest in many ...
One of the most interesting is in the dividend growth camp, with the Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index ETF ( VIG 0.93%) ...
IndusInd Bank's stock slump due to an identified accounting discrepancy has stirred investor concerns, prompting mutual fund ...
Mutual funds are highly liquid, which means investors can withdraw their money at any moment, subject to exit fees and taxes.
Simply saving your money isn’t enough, because its value keeps decreasing. The only way to stay ahead of rising prices is to ...
Income-oriented investors, including lots of retirees, often switch their portfolios from a growth focus to an income-based ...
Equity Mutual funds are beneficial for long-term financial goals, leveraging the compounding effect. Despite market ...