According to the NYSEG Outages Map, as of 1:50 p.m., all Broome and Tioga Counties outages have been resolved. 12 News reached out to NYSEG about the cause of the outages and will provide an ...
CHENANGO COUNTY, N.Y. (WBNG) -- According to the NYSEG Outages list, 2,140 Chenango County customers are without power. The ...
NYSEG customers can consult a smart meter installation map online or use the new lookup tool to search by your address and learn when meters will be upgraded. RG&E customers may check the smart ...
Subsidiaries of Avangrid, New York State Electric & Gas Corp. (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric Corp. (RG&E) operate an extensive infrastructure, including approximately 43,900 miles (70,650 km) ...