I lost a piece of my mind.” The city of Los Angeles has been in mourning since 33-year-old rapper and South L.A. advocate Nipsey Hussle was gunned down on March 31, just outside his store ...
American rapper Nipsey Hussle's former partner, Tanisha Foster, was given joint custody of their daughter Emani.
ALBAWABA - Rapper Nipsey Hussle's killer, Eric R. Holder Jr. is sentenced to 60 years to life in prison. On March 31, 2019, Rapper Nipsey Hussle was killed after being shot multiple times on ...
By Michael Saponara March 31 will mark six years since Nipsey Hussle was murdered in front of his Marathon Clothing store. The Marathon (Brand) is set to honor his legacy with the grand opening of ...
Hussle's brother Sam "Blacc Sam" Asghedom will be behind the grill Saturday, carrying on Hussle's entrepreneurial spirit.