pes tendons incised at the insertion of the tibia and retracted distally. From Krackow KA. The Technique of Total Knee Arthroplasty. St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby Co.: 1990, 351. Medial capsular ...
A tear to this ligament can cause both pain and a sensation that the knee is ‘giving way’. Pes anserinus syndrome – commonly caused by excessive running, pes anserinus syndrome occurs when ...
A case is here reported of a semiprofessional athlete with a ruptured popliteus tendon without significant instability of the knee. The diagnosis was made by magnetic resonance imaging and confirmed ...
The periosteum is obtained through a small separate incision over the anteromedial tibia, just distal to the insertion of the pes tendons. The periosteum from the proximal tibia and the distal ...