Our art critic goes room-by-room through New York ... By Holland Cotter The darkly comic Southern novelist kept a quiet practice in the visual arts. For the centenary of her birth, her paintings ...
Artists like George Bellows, with his famous painting 'Stag at Sharkey's,' have ... The sport's impact on visual arts is a testament to its enduring appeal and its ability to transcend the ...
Abstract painting is a hardy perennial of the art world. Trends may come and go, but the practice of translating visual experience into line and color continues. At Cris Worley Fine Arts ...
Here are Culture.pl's top 5 global happenings on Poland's visual-arts scene: 4. Monika Sosnowska's nomination for the Guggenheim Museum's Hugo Boss Prize, awarded every two years to an individual who ...
“You don’t need a background in art history to come to the Meadows and enjoy the collection,” Manzano Rodriguez said. “If anything, you’ll spend a morning or an afternoon looking at ...