In the Triumph of Orthodoxy service on the first Sunday of Great Lent, the clergy and faithful proclaim bold statements of ...
Jacobite Church welcomes Kerala High Court ruling on consecration, challenges Orthodox faction's claims, seeks peaceful coexistence of sister Churches.
Balding, handsome Alexei had been Acting Patriarch since Sergei’s death ... The Mr. Roosevelt of Russian Orthodoxy was born and bred in Moscow. Intending to be a lawyer, he went to Moscow ...
While Pope Francis previously announced plans to travel to Turkey, one possible obstacle to a universal agreement could be ...
At 66, Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon released a new book, Free Children of God, on March 13. The right-hand man of ...
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, who is considered the “first among equals” in Eastern Orthodoxy, said any future peace agreement “must include Ukraine as an equal ...
Orthodox Church urges Indian government to boycott installation of Jacobite Catholicos in Lebanon, citing legal concerns.
On March 18, 2023, a significant meeting took place at the Sofia Metropolis headquarters, highlighting the enduring ties between Bulgaria and Israel. Patriarch Daniel of Bulgaria welcomed Ambassador ...
Former CIA officer John Kiriakou retracted his claim that the U.S. paid the Ecumenical Patriarchate to grant autocephaly to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church ...