Pete Seeger was a major figure in America’s folk revival and influenced generations of musicians—including Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, and Billy Bragg. Seeger’s rendition of “We Shall Overcome” ...
Pete Seeger, a man for whom the modifier “legendary” seems hopelessly inadequate, had many Jewish associations in a career that spanned seven decades. Today began on a sad note with news that ...
NEW YORK CITY, March 29--Pete Seeger '40 was found guilty this after-noon on ten counts for contempt of Congress. He faces the possibility of up to a $100 fine and a year in jail on each count.
NEW YORK CITY, March 27--Balladeer Pete Seeger's long-delayed trial for contempt of Congress finally got under way today before Judge Murphy in a U.S. District Court here. The ten-count indictment ...
This week, Pete Seeger was being mourned in Israel, as well as the United States. Several Israelis recalled with nostalgia Seeger’s two visits to the Jewish state in the 1960s. In addition to ...