When Jesus responded he said, “When you pray.” Jesus expects us to pray and throughout our lives we are taught prayers to use at certain times. As children we are often taught bedtime and mealtime ...
Prayers and fasting, Eucharistic adoration and getting back to the basics of the Catholic faith are some of the ways the ...
My question for you is my prayer list. It just keeps growing, and I have had a difficult time reading my list and praying for ...
As a teenager growing up, I developed the practice of going to daily Mass during the summer. It was an opportunity for me to ...
She has been healed several times in her life and it would be wrong not to acknowledge Him as Jehovah Rapha, “The Lord who ...
By turning our hearts to Mary, we experience a whole new horizon of prayer. By her gentle guidance, Mary shows us new depths ...
A Catholic's vocation is to bring God to every aspect of one's life: to work, the family and serving the community, Pope Francis said in a message. "Do not be afraid and abandon yourselves" to God's ...
The Latin phrase “Deo Volente” means “Lord willing”. So as you go through this week and make your plans, however big or small ...