who thinks it’s a different magician who will transform Banner and Hulk into Professor Hulk in Endgame. That’s The Ancient One, of course, whom Banner might get to meet as he goes back in time.
Fast forward to Endgame, which presents Bruce and the Hulk in their final form: BannerHulk, or Professor Hulk to go by his comic moniker. The body of the Hulk, substantially humanized and ...
Professor Hulk's full MCU story has remained more or less untold since he transformed offscreen in the years between "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Avengers: Endgame." However, if this version is ...
He's evolved from the nearly wordless savage of "The Avengers," to the monosyllabic gladiator of "Thor: Ragnarok", and finally to the Professor Hulk of "Avengers: Endgame" and beyond. Now with the ...