Online, products branded as the blue lotus promise calm moments and psychedelic trips. But they're far different from what ...
Fernando A. Flores’s new novel imagines a bleak world where books are illegal and deprivation is the norm. It’s a blast.
Visiting the emergency room due to a bad psychedelic trip was linked to over twice the risk of death within five years for ...
Denver Shroom Fest, a celebration of psychedelic mushroom culture, will not go on as planned in 2025.
David Daniels is an artist and filmmaker who is known to have revived the strata-cut-animation technique of making animations ...
In clinical settings, psychedelic-assisted therapy has followed something of an archetype. But some of Colorado’s prospective ...
A lot of people adored the psychedelic movement in the '60s. The Beatles climbed on board with this classic track that promoted peace and love.
Oakland-based outfit Combo Tezeta ‘s sound is electric, polyrhythmic, and not just a highly danceable blend of instrumental ...
The BriefA Brookfield Square kiosk that sells cannabis and psychedelic mushrooms is drawing extra attention.The company that ...
You may want to think twice, according to a new study that found a link between bad psychedelic trips and a more than twofold increased risk of death within five years. “There’s a lot of media ...