Also known as Italian dandelion, Belgian endive, and French endive, chicory comes in different types - red chicory (also known as radicchio), sugarloaf, and forcing chicory. The two most common ...
Here’s how. There are three types of chicory: red chicory, which is sometimes known as raddichio and is often seen in mixed salad packs in supermarkets; sugarloaf varieties, which resemble ...
Most common in the UK is red chicory, an endive-shaped small radicchio. Castelfranco is a white, round radicchio and worth seeking out. Radicchio is in season during the autumn and spring ...
Take the radishes and red chicory and extract the juice. 2. Pour the juice over the ice then slowly add the gin and tonic, give it a gentle stir and garnish with sliced radishes, rosemary sprig, ...