My congregation, the Daughters of St. Paul, was founded to evangelize with media. We love to spread the Gospel any which way we can. Not long ago, I wanted to choose a meaningful bumper sticker for ...
Lent is a 40-day season of prayer, fasting and giving, held in preparation for the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, Christianity's 40-day season of prayer, fasting and giving in preparation for Jesus ...
While anchored in the hope that comes from Jesus' resurrection, Catholics should not forget the "tears, despair and ...
Two leaders in the faith sphere shared with Fox News Digital their thoughts about prayer to God and preparation ahead of the Easter holiday as the First Sunday of Lent is celebrated.
From chapters one to twelve the narrative crescendos to the climax of the Last Supper, the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus in Ch. 13-20. Chapter 21 is like an addendum or afterword in ...
When I encounter the word “resurrection,” my mind goes immediately to the three long days and nights our Savior lay bound in death in a cold, dark and borrowed tomb.
Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, an event which is described in the New Testament. Mass on Easter Sunday annually attracts millions of the faithful. However, many days during ...